[Power Automate] Asynchronous Processing and Concurrency in Flows

Level of Difficulty: Beginner – Senior.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the need for efficient and responsive automation has never been greater. As developers and businesses strive to streamline operations, enhance user experiences, and tackle increasingly complex tasks, one key concept has emerged as a game-changer: asynchronous processing.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of asynchronous processing (specifically in Power Automate), exploring its benefits and potential pitfalls. Whether you’re a developer looking to optimise workflows or a business owner seeking to boost efficiency, understanding the power of asynchronous processing can be the key to unlocking new possibilities in your digital endeavors. So, let’s embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind this essential technology and discover how it can revolutionise your approach to automation.

What is Asynchronous Processing?

In most technology stacks, the discussion around synchronous versus asynchronous processing has been somewhat of a “no-brainer”. In most cases asynchronous processing just makes more sense since the pros far out weigh the cons. But why? To understand that, we need to understand the difference between the two processing types.

In synchronous processing, tasks or operations are executed one after the other in a sequential manner. Each task must complete before the next one starts. Synchronous processing is well-suited for scenarios where tasks require immediate attention or where the order of execution is critical. It can block the user interface or system until all tasks are finished, potentially causing delays in responsiveness.

In asynchronous processing, tasks or operations are queued and executed in the background without blocking the main thread or system. Tasks can run concurrently or be scheduled to run at a later time. Asynchronous processing is beneficial for handling long-running tasks, optimizing system resources, and improving user experience by preventing delays. It is commonly used for batch processing, background jobs, and scenarios where real-time interaction is not required.

Asynchronous Processing in Power Automate

So how does this relate to Power Automate? Well, when working with ‘Apply to each’ actions in Power Automate, you can set concurrency as well as the concurrency count in the settings of the action. This is supposed to be the functionality that allows for asynchronous processing in Power Automate. For the most part, it works well. But there are also times when it falls over horribly.

Pros of Concurrency in Power Automate

According to ChatGPT and the humans before us… There are a few very generic advantages of concurrency:

  1. Scalability: Asynchronous processing allows you to handle a large volume of tasks or workflows without causing performance issues or delays. You can queue up tasks and let them be processed in the background, freeing up system resources for other tasks.
  2. Improved User Experience: Users don’t have to wait for long-running processes to complete before they can continue with their work. Asynchronous processing enables users to submit requests or trigger workflows and carry on with their tasks without interruption.
  3. Error Handling: If a workflow fails during execution, asynchronous processing can provide better error handling capabilities. Failed tasks can be retried, and errors can be logged and analyzed more effectively.
  4. Long-Running Workflows: Asynchronous processing is essential for handling long-running workflows that may take hours, days, or even weeks to complete. It ensures that these workflows can run without impacting system responsiveness.
  5. Load Balancing: By distributing workload across multiple processing nodes, asynchronous processing can help balance the load on your resources, improving overall system performance.

But the reality of it tells a very different story…

The only one really worth mentioning from the above is “Long-Running Workflows“. By setting up concurrency, you’re allowing your process to run at different degrees of parallelism which means that you do not need to wait for one item to be processed before the next starts. Up to 50 can be processed at the same time. This can significantly decrease the runtime of your process. But it’s not quite that simple. It’s all in the design and development. Load Balancing can arguably be seen as a disadvantage of concurrency in Power Automate as it is not a “full-proof” solution and can often result in API and action limits being hit a lot sooner. If you’re working on smaller processes, load balancing is definitely something that could be realised as an advantage but as the implementations get bigger, Scalability is also impacted. The more you scale, the more expensive the solution would become because there’s more to take into account and concurrency won’t solve your problems.

Pros of Concurrency in Power Automate

As is to be expected, ChatGPT gave some mediocre explanations of what some of the disadvantages are. Which are debatably more accurate and less conflicting than the advantages:

  1. Complexity: Asynchronous processing can introduce complexity into your workflows, especially when dealing with dependencies between tasks or workflows. Managing the sequencing of tasks can be challenging.
  2. Delayed Results: Since asynchronous processing involves background execution, the results of a workflow or task may not be immediately visible. Users may need to wait for notifications or check status updates to know when a task is completed.
  3. Limited Real-Time Interactivity: Asynchronous processing may not be suitable for scenarios where real-time interaction or immediate feedback is required. It is not ideal for applications that rely on real-time responses.
  4. Resource Consumption: While asynchronous processing can free up system resources for immediate tasks, it still requires resources to manage the queuing and execution of background tasks. This can lead to increased resource consumption.
  5. Monitoring and Debugging: Tracking the progress of asynchronous workflows and debugging issues can be more challenging than with synchronous workflows, as you may need to rely on logging and status checks.

There are definitely scenarios where each of the above are relevant, even in the Power Automate stack. The most important would probably be the ‘Complexity‘ aspect. There’s a lot to consider when wanting to setup concurrency. One of the biggest aspects would be from a design perspective – ensuring that you’re removing nested ‘apply to each’ actions and removing any dependencies within the ‘apply to each’. Both of these would make concurrency somewhat redundant in the solution. If we are honest, Delayed Results is a problem in its entirety in the Power Automate stack, when using ‘Apply to each’. Regardless of whether concurrency is on or not, you need to wait for all items to be processed before the results are returned.

In Conclusion…

Earlier today I ran into an issue with concurrency in Power Automate due to the architecture of Power Automate. Since you need to declare (or initialise) the variables outside of a scope, you are essentially reusing the same instance across threads. This means that if multiple threads are running at the same time, you would definitely stand the chance of suffering from a data leak as the data gets jumbled and variable values are overwritten between threads and used as is. This results in dramatically incorrect results. You won’t realise that this is happening when you’re processing small amounts of data to test the concept. You only really realise that this is an issue when you test with larger amounts of data. This makes debugging the problem a lot more difficult.

As such, my advice is that if you are using a global variable in your ‘Apply to each’, rather decrease your concurrency count or turn it off completely. You’ll be sacrificing the performance of your flow but at least your output will be accurate. I do believe that this would be solved by Microsoft allowing developers the ability to initialise a new instance of a variable in each thread. But since sharing is caring, we are stuck.

So use concurrency as far as possible, until you need to use variables in your apply to each. Or until you are facing some licensing limits. Make sure your design and placement of actions allows for asynchronous processing else concurrency won’t help you much (ie. nested ‘apply to each’ actions).

Published by Jacqui Muller

I am an application architect and part time lecturer by current professions who enjoys dabbling in software development, RPA, IOT, advanced analytics, data engineering and business intelligence. I am aspiring to complete a PhD degree in Computer Science within the next three years. My competencies include a high level of computer literacy as well as programming in various languages. I am passionate about my field of study and occupation as I believe it has the ability and potential to impact lives - both drastically and positively. I come packaged with an ambition to succeed and make the world a better place.

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